Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)

Part IV in George Lucas’ epic, Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a Rebel ship being boarded by the tyrannical Darth Vader. The plot then follows the life of a simple farm boy, Luke Skywalker, as he and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue a Rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the Empire. The conclusion is culminated as the Rebels, including Skywalker and flying ace Wedge Antilles make an attack on the Empire’s most powerful and ominous weapon, the Death Star.

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  1. 4
    Dr. Morbius

    Howcome there’s a bit of screentime missing in the Death Star battle…Red 4 (John D. Branon – Red helmet guy) turns both left and right…there’s only a screencap of him turning left.

    • 5
      The Force

      Caps are made automatically 2 per second, perhaps it was a very quick shot? Or perhaps I capped a slightly different version movie than the one you’re watching? 🙂

  2. 9
    JasPer JoNes

    I am using your caps for my own youtube project which should be done in a few days.
    I will post a link there-after. Thanks for the caps. I was actually going to do my own
    caps but my VCL capture device is not operating, so i thought i would do a SW caps
    search where i thank-fully found you.
    My only gripe is that the caps are randomly timed every 2 to 3 seconds in my estimation
    (IME) which prevents it from capturing key special effects laser lights fire exploding.
    IE: the stardestroyer exchanging laser with the Tantive IV. Now that’s a laser show.

  3. 10

    Thank you so much for creating this site! I am using your caps as I create scenes for my son’s Star Wars Mini-Golf party. At each of the 18 holes the kids will see a different scene and they have to complete all 18 as they play towards destroying the Death Star. At the end they will get to destroy the Death Star (a pinata!) if they complete each hole. Your site made my job SO much easier, thank you!

  4. 14
    Han's pet monster in ANH?

    […] decapitated head of JarJar Binks. -===- p.s: hi-res screencaps for all movies can be found here: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) – Star Wars -===- p.p.s: kinda funny that the EU didn't latch onto this and create a contrived and convoluted […]

  5. 15
    Frank B.

    Thank you so much for making these screencaps available. I’m doing a lot of pseudoscientific Star Wars research and more often than once a screencap says more than a thousand words. I had been looking for SW screencaps for a long time and finding this website was like hitting a jackpot!

    Back in the 1980’s we paid 10 $ a piece for screenshots made on 8 x 10 photopaper from original single film roll images. So the worth and wealth of these screencaps here is almost immeasurable, especially since we get such a large selection to pick from.

    I can now illustrate my research articles with the perfect image matches. The Force shall be with you – always!

  6. 20

    It might be worth noting in your prefaces that you’re using the visually altered versions of the original trilogy. Versions released twenty years after the dates you show. In some cases the alterations to the originals are significant. Some people coming here (such as myself) may be looking for historically accurate examples.

    • 21
      Branislav Marček

      They cite the year 1977 simply because it´s the year in which it was first released. The 2011 blu-ray cuts are now official versions of the films, just like the guy that made those film wanted it.

      • 22
        Brian Combe

        George Lucas directed the 1977 version of this film but he didn’t direct the next two and they are only how he wanted them in 2011. It’s inaccurate to label these as 1977. As a image archive it’s not a representation of a film released in that year.

  7. 23
    Jon Jenner

    I needed to get some reference pictures of container boxes found in the hangers of Mos Eisley & the Death Star hangar for making some 1/6 scale accessories & found this site invaluable for this, thanks VERY much, bookmarked! 🙂

  8. 25

    This is going to be EXTREMELY helpful with weathering my armor like the Sandtroopers! Thanks for doing this.

  9. 27

    Thank you so much for making these available! I’m making character themed shadow boxes and I wanted some high quality pictures to feature in them.

  10. 28
    Erik Partogi Siagian

    I’m using this site for various purposes as a reference,pointing out things to colleagues and friends,to personal use like looking for details to certain props,costumes and environments
    So it is a big part for my Star Wars know-what quest now.
    Thank you for doing this,it’s a Huge help 🙂

  11. 29
    Nigel Liefveld

    I am Using your screen caps in a visual essay I have for a class called Landscape Geography through Photography and Art. I am analyzing George Lucas’ use of Landscape in the original trilogy. I am using 12 images of various landscapes from the films, each accompanied with a description detailing their cinematographic composition, traditional use of landscape, symbology and influences (Traditional Mythology, Philosophy, The Works of other Artists such as Akira Kurosawa, Etc..) I am very appreciative of this site for having these available. Thanks so much.

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