Rogue One (2016)
All looks lost for the Rebellion against the Empire as they learn of the existence of a new super weapon, the Death Star. Once a possible weakness in its construction is uncovered, the Rebel Alliance must set out on a desperate mission to steal the plans for the Death Star. The future of the entire galaxy now rests upon its success.
Sup, man! Thanks so much for making these! I use them for sketching purposes, from all angles. Right now doing Director Krennic. I’ve studied under several industry professionals (including the art director of the new movie Coco, Daniel Arriaga), and this was my assignment, was to collect a bunch of reference and then study the face. I also got a bunch of Cassian but I’m doing Krennic for now. Thanks!!!!! I always recommend this site to my artist friends 🙂
Hello! I was looking for a screencap of the last shot on the beach with Jyn and Cassian for a friend’s project and found it here. Thank you!
Guys, thank you so much for creating these! I just found this site and already love it! I am a photo editor on Instagram and these are really helping me improve! If you want to know, my insta user is @fangirling4lifesns
Hi! First of all thanks for uploading these screencaps. Since you said you were keen on seeing what we make with them, I’d like to invite you to check out my tumblr sideblog Rogue Transmissions From Last Night, which are basically your Rogue One screencaps set to Texts From Last Night. Hope you get a laugh out of it cause that’s what the blog is for! :)) https://rtfln.tumblr.com
There are some pretty hilarious faces the cast makes within a split second 😉 great job on capturing all of it!
Hi! Thanks so much for uploading these. Are you familiar with Texts From Last Night? Lots of different fandoms/movies use real-life, embarrassing, often drunk texts from real people and apply them to scenes in their fandom for a good laugh. Thought I’d do the same for Rogue One using your very handy and very meticulous screencaps. Since you mentioned you’d love to see what we made with them, please check out Rogue Transmissions From Last Night, and hope you enjoy it! https://rogueone-tfln.tumblr.com
These pics are super useful for researching costumes from this movie. I’m using them on the Replica Prop Forum (theRPF.com) and on the Rebel Legion (rebellegion.com).
A million thanks for providing the Rogue One screencaps, I’m doing exhaustive “in-universe” research and visualizations and the screencaps have become such an immeasurable help, that I just wouldn’t know how to continue my work on behalf of Star Wars Fandom without These.
Unfortunately, the Rogue One screencaps (automatically extracted?) are lacking what could perhaps be the most decisive screencap of them all, i.e. Princess Leia’s ship just BEFORE the hyperspace jump.
The background info in that shot (only a split-second on screen) is necessary to determine whether that’s the Rebel Blockade Runner that just escaped Vader or perhaps just Leia’s Tantive IV, parking at the edge of the battlezone and receiving the Death Star plans via transmission from that Rebel Blockade Runner that has just escaped.
Thanx for listening and the great support by mainting this wonderful website and research database!
P.S. The missing shot would have to be on the very last page of the Rogue One screencap gallery (page # 84)
Hi Frank! I’m glad you are finding these caps so useful, that’s what I make them for. 😀 Yes, the caps are automatically made, my software takes a capture every half second, so 2 per second. I find that to be a good balance between getting too many caps of the same thing (for slower scenes) and missing out caps (in action scenes). Sorry that you had the bad luck of that shot being on screen less than half a second! 🙁
tysm! ever since hte movie leaked i’ve been refreshing htis page, I’m still so surprised you got these up so fast!!
Love screenshots Of Vader. Getting them to use as reference in my drawings.