Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker (2019) [4K]

While the First Order continues to ravage the galaxy, Rey finalizes her training as a Jedi. But danger suddenly rises from the ashes as the evil Emperor Palpatine mysteriously returns from the dead. While working with Finn and Poe Dameron to fulfill a new mission, Rey will not only face Kylo Ren once more, but she will also finally discover the truth about her parents as well as a deadly secret that could determine her future and the fate of the ultimate final showdown that is to come.

NOTE: these are the 4K caps, twice the size of the normal BluRay caps. They may take a little longer to load! 🙂

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  1. 1
    10 of The Best Films I Have Seen in 2022 – adam shafi

    […] Stills courtesy of FILMGRAB / Kiss Them Goodbye / / / Elevation Pictures / Movieclips Classic Trailers / / / Screen Goblin / / NME / Joe’s Movie Blog / / / / / boardchairman / animationscreencaps / / shattereddteacup / MyCenterMovie / / / / / echoartists […]

  2. 2
    20 of The Best Films I Have Seen in 2021 + 10 Honourable Mentions – End of 2021 List – Part Two – adam shafi

    […] Stills courtesy of FILMGRAB / Kiss Them Goodbye / / / Elevation Pictures / Movieclips Classic Trailers / / / Screen Goblin / / NME / Joe’s Movie Blog / / / / / boardchairman / animationscreencaps / / shattereddteacup / MyCenterMovie / / / / / echoartists […]

  3. 10
    Bennett Boyle

    What source did you use for your 4k TROS screen caps? The traditional burnt in/stylized font for the alien subtitle on pg. 94 of the screencaps appears on your screenshot when on the UHD Blu Ray it is simply in a normal, unstylized subtitle font. What source did you use that contained the correct alien subtitle font?

  4. 11
    Bennett Boyle


    I was just curious, from what source did you get your 4k screen caps for TROS? This screencap: has the correct stylized font for the alien subtitles that doesn’t appear on the UHD Blu Ray (your screencap has the subtitles in the traditional Trade Gothic stylized font while the UHD Blu Ray displays it in plain Arial). Where did you get your screencaps for this from?

  5. 13
    Scott Varenberg

    I like the 4K Star Wars screencaps but I am more of a Star Trek fan and the last 3 movie’s 4K Star Trek would be Awesome screencaps to see…..just saying……great screencap site ever.

  6. 22

    You’re an absolute beast for keeping up with the demand for HD screencaps! One little thing though: the sites which use 4k screencaps always have a problem (I looked it up and it has something to do with HDR) with the photoes being kind of off in the color. 4k screencaps appear much grayer than normal screencaps. Because of this, i ask that you update this to have Blu-Ray screencaps as well, as these 4k screencaps have that graying issue (I can provide examples if youd like).

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